
Geethanjali Malayalam Movie   Geethanjali is a Malayalam movie, I really like that movie. But the thing is that the film has been not impressed in the Boxoffice. This is because of the problems in the direction of the movie.  Definitely, it has a good storyline, but lacking to be seated audiences. This is because of that the cinematography may have improved. The direction of the movie could be even simpler to understand among the common people. It definitely has some horror elements that should be okay when we think that it is a Malayalam movie. Actually the story has some way similar to another film of Priyamani. The casting of the movie is really good, very impressive but lacks the proper way of using them. Actually we can able to predict what happens in the climax or what's the suspense is. But we will watch the entire movie to confirm it. That is the main key point of the movie. Again Priyadarshan and Mohanlal combination would be made a nice movie. Definitely, we can w
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